Composite PanelAssociation

The Composite Panel Association (CPA), founded in 1960, represents the North American composite panel industry on technical, regulatory, quality assurance and product acceptance issues. CPA General Members include 30 of the leading manufacturers of particleboard, medium density fiberboard, and hardboard. They wanted a website redesign that would appeal to their design-centric audience while still having great UX.


Lead Experience Designer for


February 2020 – October 2020

CPA Website


On this homepage, I baked in a ton of functionality while keeping the layout very modern. I pulled in brand colors and selected typography that would be easy-to-read and subtlety interesting. I also found ways to elevate the usage of certain brand elements, like with the ECC Sustainability imagery or utilizing the logo icon as a watermark.

CPA Homepage
CPA Mobile Homepage
CPA Decorative Surfaces
CPA Decorative Surfaces Full

Decorative Surfaces

One of the key interiors for this site was the Decorative Surfaces page, which slightly carries some of its own unique branding. I wanted this page to have a bit of its own feel, but still feel like a part of the overarching website.

CPA Product Detail

Product detail

Another key interior was the product detail page. This design again uses a modern layout– offsetting imagery with large color blocks in layouts that keep a user’s interest.

CPA Product Detail Full
CPA Mobiles
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